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Duplicates or not????

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:49 pm
by familysweeper so dang confused.....

I add a sweep from lets say 95% sure its not on ninja.. enter it and sure enough, duplicate!!! But then i "exit" ninja and come back to my "your sweepstakes" and there is NO duplicate?!?!?!??!

also......when i open ninja it says processing lets say 375 sweepstakes...then it says 383 sweepstakes?? which is it??? ALSO ALSO...then it says processing lets say 200 of "your sweeps" when prior to that i was at 199 but i just added 10 sweeps and no duplicates??

Thats how i keep track of how many sweeps i have..Ninja + your sweeps - Duplicates = total

Little clarification please...

Greg Family Sweeper

Re: Duplicates or not????

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:59 pm
by jc3
I am wondering if you ever got an answer to your quesion because mine is similar about the duplicates. I went through the "submitted Ninja sweeps list and decided to add some that I didn't see on the list and when I added them, it was highlighted in red indicating that it was a duplicate so I removed it. So I am confused as to whether or not these sweeps have actually been entered because I just don't see anything on the list pertaining to them. Hope someone comes along soon and clariies these questions because right now I am in a trial week and not sure I will purchase if I can't get clear answers.

Re: Duplicates or not????

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:46 pm
by familysweeper
Havent heard back from the Ninja Guru yet..

I used the trial for 2 days and knew if i was serious about doing this and saving time that it would be worth getting through all the glitches and my learning curve.. I beilieve they will get back to us. Hopefully he, they or the Ninja Guru are adding Sweeps because they havent been around the last few days.

Family Sweeper...

Re: Duplicates or not????

PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:38 pm
by SweepstakesNinja

Answering your questions:

1. When it says it is a duplicate, it is indeed a duplicate. The software matches it by "URL", so for example, if you entered "", and then all of the sudden, it turned red, it either means it is already in the "Ninja Sweepstakes" database, *or*, it means you have already added to the "your sweepstakes" section.

2. As for "processing", it means you have 383 sweepstakes on your computer. However, some of them might have 'expired', so the next time you start the software, it should automatically 'remove' those. (I.e., lets say you didn't run the software for 2 weeks, and at that time had 300 sweepstakes. Let's say they all were exactly 2 weeks long, and then when you ran the software 'again', it was a 'brand new' 300 sweepstakes. It would say "Processing 300 Sweepstakes", but then when you start the software, it would say "600 sweepstakes" (because there were 300 from 2 weeks ago, and 300 'brand new' ones from now). The software would then 'realize' that 300 of those had 'expired', so the 'next' time you start the software, it should say '300' (or close to it).



Re: Duplicates or not????

PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:38 pm
by kmbledsoe
how do i know its a duplicate without filling it out first. does the soft ware have a button that tells you it is a duplicate?

Re: Duplicates or not????

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:10 am
by SweepstakesNinja
Hi -- The software automatically determines if it is a duplicate, and highlights it in red. You can still 'override' that though, (because in some special cases, i.e., unlimited sweepstakes, etc, you might want to do that).
