Having trouble reading prizes

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Having trouble reading prizes

Postby JMama » Sat Aug 27, 2011 2:34 am

I'm new. I cant read the full prizes section, it cuts off. How can I expand it?

How do i know how many sweeps there are? It opens with 300+ but then reduces to 200+

I tried a couple of manual entries but then got a message that hey were in the database. I cant find them in my list. What am I missing? There are so many listed on sites that I want to keep track of and I'm not quite as interested in DVDs or cd's that have no interest to me. I do not want to enter contests for things I wouldnt want. That not fair to other sweepers or the folks running the contests.

How can I see the "new" sweeps.

I guess overall, even with the tutorials, I'm finding this a bit confusing actually knowing what is being entered.

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Re: Having trouble reading prizes

Postby SweepstakesNinja » Sat Aug 27, 2011 7:07 am


Answering your questions:

1. For the Ninja Sweepstakes, you can 'click' on the details tab, then read full information about prizes. The preview popup is just intended as a preview.
2. There are 300+, however in the evaluation version you only have access to about 200+.
3. It matches by URL. So the title may not necessarily be the same (for what you choose and what the software has), but if the URL matches, then it will show up as a duplicate.
4. You can delete things that you don't want. Simply highlight them, then press the 'delete' button.
5. New Sweeps - easiest way as someone mentioned is to sort by 'last submitted' date. New sweepstakes won't have been (yet) submitted, so you will know.


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Re: Having trouble reading prizes

Postby JMama » Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:50 pm

Hi Jonathan!

Thanks. I am a paid subscriber so I should be able to access them all. I do think today I saw more download.

The details part helped alot :)

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Re: Having trouble reading prizes

Postby JMama » Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:14 pm

Feel like I'm back where I started. I see when I open the program now 400+ in the database. In my entries I counted just over 200+

Today I thought I'd figured out the manual entries in "Your Sweepstakes" and opened the DIY blog cabin sweep. (The process was confusing for me) It ended up with a red highlight. I went back to the "Ninja Submissions" and could not find that listed anywhere on my page.

I think there are sweeps that are not showing up for me. I am a paid subscriber. I have entered the key before.

What am I missing?

Thanks :)
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Re: Having trouble reading prizes

Postby SweepstakesNinja » Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:02 pm


The Big Sweepstakes (Your Sweepstakes) is different from the 'Ninja Sweepstakes'. (So in total, there would be about 600 sweepstakes).

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Re: Having trouble reading prizes

Postby JMama » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:51 pm

Wait, What?

What are "big" sweepstakes? There are 600? Why cant I see them?

Why isnt there just one big lists of sweepstakes I can easily see so I dont try and add ones that are already there? Why are some invisible then?

I have 3 tabs Ninja Sweepstakes, Your sweepstakes(which I have none in because the ones I tried to enter are in a database I cant see) and Instant Wins which have the little sponsor boxes to click.

Am I missing a tab?
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Re: Having trouble reading prizes

Postby SweepstakesNinja » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:51 pm

You can see the big sweepstakes by navigating here:
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Re: Having trouble reading prizes

Postby JMama » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:58 pm

Okay, I see them in the little window, so I need to manually enter each one of those??
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Re: Having trouble reading prizes

Postby JMama » Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:05 pm

You are off line now :( Ugh, this is frustrating. Why would some sweeps only be available in the window where I have to click each link and try and figure it out myself and some be in the main list?
How do i get those sweeps to the main list so they will enter automatically like all the others?
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Re: Having trouble reading prizes

Postby JMama » Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:20 pm

I started doing the Big Sweeps manual entries in Your Sweeps. I see that some say they are in Ninja. Now, I have looked through the Ninja sweeps. I dont see these(and I haven't changes the titles or labeled them myself, this is coming from the program) which would mean to me I am not seeing all the Ninja sweeps.

I really like your program when I can figure it out. I'm just lost on some of the files not showing up.
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